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Visit to Single Mother Living In Cemetery in Ararat Region - Getapnya Village - 3/12/17

Writer's picture: Lilia ChakarianLilia Chakarian

Our team's visit took place today. We visited the single mother with 5 children living by the cemetery in Getapnya village in Ararat region. The children's father abandoned them after doing time in jail and left to Russia with no intention of returning. The older boys collect flowers from graves, sort them, and sell for little money to survive. The mom works in the fields during summer for very little income.

We took many things for them, including means of sustainable income such as a cow and 30 chicken. The additional things we took included a refrigerator, washing machine, stove, firewood for 2 winters, a lot of food to last them at least 8 months, clothing and shoes for all members of the family, school supplies and stationary for the children including backpacks, school clothes, and other necessary items to insure the kids will stay in school.

Rusanna, the mother, is a wonderful mother and is blessed to have these kind of children. The children are smart, modest, restrained and yet very happy, especially happy for the cow and chicken. They even named the cow already, Jeyran. They were extremely happy to be able to help their mom with the animals because now they will no longer be hungry. They have a sustainable income now. The mother was unable to express her gratitude, except to say "thank you."

Friends, I am sure that this family will come out within a few days from their extremely bad condition. The help we delivered today will be a start of their prosperous future, as they will look after their animals and have permanent means of living their normal lives.

Thank you, once again, for making this happen. God bless you abundantly for sharing your bread with them.

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