UPDATE: July 3, 2017
Happy to share the good news with you, my friends!
Artyom's pacemaker implantation surgery was a success and he is already home. He is feeling well and will soon be doing all those activities he was not able to do.
Whoever doesn't know Artyom, I will recap: he needed an immediate surgery and pacemaker implanted, otherwise the doctors didn't give him a chance. We raised the money in literally 3 days and got him on his way to surgery. Even though the doctors postponed the surgery twice: first, due to his low weight, and second due to tooth infection, but fighting through it all, he is well.
Thank you for saving his life....thank you for your prayers. God bless you

UPDATE: March 30, 2017
The story about Artyom was heartbreaking. When our team visited the family, we learned that his heart surgery was delayed because of not having money. Artyom has a congenital heart disease and needed a pacemaker. The surgery cost $5000, not to mention the hospital stay, needed follow-up medications, and food. So our team decided to raise money for him. Within 4 short days, the money for Artyom's surgery was raised and on March 28, 2017, we ordered his pacemaker.
We also did a visit for his family, took them lots of food, cow, clothes, and many other necessary items so that after his surgery, he will have proper nutrition. Details of the visit can be found here: DALAR VILLAGE.
It's important to mention as well that one of the most prominent heart surgeons in Armenia is going to do his surgery. We will have an update in 2 weeks on what day the surgery will take place.