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Visit to Family in Artashat on Easter Weekend - 4/15/17

Happy Easter!

Here is our team's Easter weekend visit to family in poverty.

This is the way Easter needs to be celebrated! Saving another family's life! Giving them a way to generate their own income, making sure their children will NEVER go to sleep hungry.

This is the way Jesus wants us to celebrate his life... being next to the poor. Join us in changing lives, one family at a time!

Today we finally got a chance to visit the family in Artashat. This family has 4 minor children and their father, even though has many health issues, still tries very hard to provide for his family. However, sometimes he is not able to work due to his condition.

We took them many things in order for them to be able to get back on their feet, provided not only fish, but also means for them to fish themselves. We took them a cow, which will give on average of 15 liters of milk a day, 30 chicken, from which they will have 25-30 eggs a day to sell and use.

We also took them winter firewood for the next winter, a refrigerator, a stove, and food, which will last them at least 8 months. The food included dry/canned food as well as vegetables.

For the children, we took children's books, lots of school stationary, diapers for the baby, baby stroller, a crib, tableware, bedding, clothes and shoes for all family members, and some money to close current debts.

My dear friends, today we changed this family's life. Now they have a way to have steady income, and will definitely not be hungry anymore, and hopefully this will be the beginning of good things happening for them.

I thank you all for your support. Thanks for being part of this life-changing mission. May God bless you and your families on the Easter and always.

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