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Visit to Family in Gugark, Lori - 4/15/18

Dear friends,

In memory of her father, one of our members, who wishes to remain anonymous, provided funds to support 3 families. This is one of the families we visited and delivered help.

Mrs. Alvard, who lives in the village of Gugark, Lori Province, lives with her daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. Unfortunately, the children were not at home and we were unable to meet them, but we took many gifts for them.

We took a cow for the family, now they will have fresh milk every day and also have income by selling dairy products, firewood, refrigerator, baking oven, electric kettle, dry/canned food to last for a very long time, children's stationery, school bags, clothes, games and more.

Mrs. Alvard said that because they have a cow, they will have fresh milk every day, and the mother of the children now has an oven and a refrigerator, with which can make cakes and sell them and earn money.

I'm more than confident that these working women will be able to provide for the family from now on.

I am sure that your father is proud of you, my anonymous friend :)

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