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Visit to Family in Artsvanist Village - 9/9/18 — in Artsvanist

Aid Beyond Borders - "Helping Needy In Armenia" : Visit to Family in Artsvanist Village - 9/9/18 — in Artsvanist.


We finally visited the large family living in Artsvanist village in Gegharkunik Province. This family's lost essentially everything in a fire, and they were in miserable shape when we first met them.

Here is more about the visit:

In memory of Vahe Hayrapetian, in lieu of flowers, Christine Aghanian's friends and family donated them a cow, which is already pregnant and will give the family at least 15 liters of milk on daily basis. Thank you, Christine jan, for organizing the funds for the cow, as your father's memory is going to bless them each and every day as they make cheese and butter, and give fresh milk to the children every morning.

We also had a lot of surprises for them, thanks to your generous donations, thanks to which they also now have 20 chicken, which will give them fresh eggs every day, stove, a washing machine, a lot of clothes and shoes for the entire family, toys for children, and, of course, food to last them for at least a year.

The grandparents just did not have words, were very excited, thanked and sent countless blessings. And the kids did not stop looking at their gifts, going from one box to another.

I'm more than sure that after a short time the family will stand up on their feet again, and will be able to care for their needs independently.

Some of the clothing which we distributed was donated by Eddie Petrossianat VAFS.

Thank you all, for standing by these kinds of hard-working families, and giving them another chance to start over and live a life they deserve.

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