Part 3 of 4, In Loving Memory of Marie Kaloustian
In Loving Memory of Marie Kaloustian, with donations in her honor, Aid Beyond Borders team was able to visit 4 families and get them out of severe poverty. The third visit was to Narine's family, where two underage children are growing up. We gave them a pregnant cow, a refrigerator, a gas stove, food and clothes to last them about a year. Narine's family was extremely surprised, they carried their goods big and small, the small children put the sacks on their shoulders, they did not even let the neighbors help.
From here on, this family will have a sustainable income with the milk that the cow will give. They will make dairy products not only for their family, but to sell and will make income all year around. They will not be needing to buy any food for about a year, which will enable them to save that money and cover expenses or buy things for their home.
Helping this family was truly a blessing from God. Thank you, Kaloustian family and friends! God bless!