In Loving Memory of Marie Kaloustian, with donations in her honor, Aid Beyond Borders team was able to visit 4 families and get them out of severe poverty.
Yelena Magoyan's family was the 4th from our visit. Before we could reach them, Elena had managed to make cheese from the cow's milk(which we delivered to her a few days before our visit). As you may already have guessed, we gave this family a pregnant cow, a refrigerator, an electric oven, food and clothes to last them for about a year plus toys for children.
Yelena and her husband were very happy with their gifts, the children loved the cow very much. Yelena said that our visit completely changed their lives; now, in addition to what we have donated, they will have fresh milk and dairy products every day which they will use not only to sell for profit, but also for their family.
Thank you and God bless you, Kaloustian family and friends!
Mariam Kaloustian Aram Kaloustian Sossi Badalian